Inviting and Hosting National Park Visitors: Post- Centennial Efforts with a New Administration will allow national park concessioners, the NPS and others to assess likely visitor levels and expectations following major communications efforts associated with the NPS Centennial as well as review Congressional direction to the agency through appropriations and authorizing legislation. Sessions will include:
In depth conversations with NPS Commercial Services Team
Discussions with Key Members of Congress and staff
Discussions of Association Goals and Priorities for 2017 and 2018
Details: Our meeting will begin on Sunday, November 13, with an afternoon meeting of the Board of Directors, with members welcomed. At 6 PM, we’ll have an opening reception, followed by a working dinner discussing key association issues including the future of the National Parks Promotion Council.
On Monday, November 14, we will depart the hotel for the U.S. Department of the Interior’s South Building Auditorium, 1951 Constitution Avenue, N.W., for a continental breakfast and a general membership meeting. At 11 AM, we will be joined at this location by key National Park Service staff, including those from the Commercial Services Program. Lunch will include topic tables and an opportunity to discuss the transition process with NPS leaders. We will continue guided dialogue with NPS officials during the afternoon, wrapping up at 5 PM. Monday evening will include an option to participate in a CONPAC session on the Hill.
On Tuesday, November 15, NPHA members will meet at 8 AM in the hotel with a continental breakfast and will be prepared by staff and Lincoln Policy Group for advocacy on the Hill and back home regarding key legislation, including the Centennial bill and FY2017 appropriations.
Lodging is available at Crystal City Marriott at Ronald Reagan Airport, 1999 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202, 703-413-5500. NPHA members and meeting participants are offered a special rate of $239 plus taxes. Reservations must be made by October 24. Click here to book your group rate for NPHA Fall Meeting. Room availability in DC for our dates is very limited. Act now.
Transportation: Excellent transportation access to the Crystal City Marriott is available through Ronald Reagan Washington National (2 miles), Washington Dulles (27 miles) and Baltimore-Washington International (37 miles) Airports as well as AMTRAK service to Union Station (3 miles). METRO is directly accessible from the hotel.
Registration Fee:
$400 for NPHA Regular Members - initial participant
$375 for NPHA Regular Members - subsequent participants
$400 for NPHA Associate Members
$200 for guests and spouses attending only social functions
$800 for non-members
The deadline for registration is Wednesday, November 2, 2016. All registrations after that date, or changes to registrations after that date, are subject to a $100 fee. Questions? – call 202-682-9530.
Attire: Business attire for all functions. November weather in DC is variable, but anticipate highs in the 50s and lows around 40, 11 hours of light and a reasonable chance of rain during portions of our meeting.
Displays: Arrangements for displays should be made through the National Park Hospitality Association at (202) 682-9530.