Theme: Concessioners and National Parks: New Initiatives and New Opportunities will allow national park concessioners, the NPS and others to discuss new and better ways to work with the Administration and the Congress to enhance the experiences of national park visitors while building visitation to national park units across the country. Sessions will include:
In-depth conversations with Interior Department and NPS Officials
Discussions with key Congressional staff and other special guests
Discussions of association goals and priorities
Details: Our meeting will begin on the morning of Tuesday, March 13, with the NPHA annual meeting and election of Board members and a meeting of the NPHA Board of Directors. The afternoon sessions following lunch will include discussions with key Interior and NPS officials. We’ll cap off the day with an off-site reception for NPHA members and special guests. Wednesday, March 14, will start with breakfast and will include meetings with Congressional staff and other special guests, as well as lunch. Meetings will end by 4:00 p.m.
Lodging: Lodging is available at the Courtyard Marriott Washington Capitol Hill/Navy Yard, 140 L Street, S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003, during the meeting. NPHA members and meeting participants are offered a special rate of $264 plus taxes and fees. Reservations must be made by March 1. Click here to book your group rate for the NPHA meeting or call the reservation toll-free number at 1-866-329-0003. When using the toll-free number, be sure to mention that you are part of the NPHA group for the dates March 12-14, 2018 to ensure that you are given the special $264 rate. Room availability in DC for our dates is very limited. Act now.
Transportation: Excellent transportation access to the Courtyard Marriott Washington Capitol Hill/Navy Yard is available through Ronald Reagan Washington National (5 miles), Washington Dulles (31 miles) and Baltimore-Washington International (33 miles) Airports. METRO is across the street (Navy Yard Station on the Green Line).
Registration Fees:
$500 for NPHA Regular Members - initial participant
$450 for NPHA Regular Members - subsequent participants
$500 for NPHA Associate Members
$250 for guests and spouses attending only social functions
$800 for non-members
$150 for Federal employees (limited meals)
The deadline for registration is Friday, March 2, 2018. All registrations after that date, or changes to registrations after that date, are subject to a $100 surcharge. Questions – call 202-682-9530.
Attire: Business attire for all functions. March weather in D.C. is variable, but anticipate highs in the 50s and lows in the 30s and a reasonable chance of rain during portions of our meeting.